Looking to Enhance and Deepen Your Collaborative Efforts?
Access a number of webinars that will build capacity and understanding as well as promote effective implimentation for your organization.
4 Mistakes Leaders Make When Setting Up Collaborative Team Meetings
Four mistakes we see leaders make when planning for their first collaborative team meetings, whether the critical structure is new to the school or being reintroduced for another year.
5 Things Leaders Can do to Ensure Effective Team Meetings
Are you frustrated with productivity and impact when meeting in teams? Kurtis will share 5 specific structures and processes essential when engaging in collaboration, with multiple samples and resources shared.
5 Mistakes Leaders Make When Organizing Data for Teams
Kurtis Hewson shares 5 mistakes leaders make when organizing data for teams and practical solutions for these mistakes. How data is organized matters - come learn more about effective organization, with access to numerous samples and resources.
4 Layers of Collaborative Teams EVERY School Needs
Lorna Hewson will share the 4 layers of teams essential in every school, as well as share numerous resources, templates and samples. Great news - more than likely at least three of these layers already exist in your school!
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